an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

May 23, 2005 - Cleaning Out

For the past week, since we moved my stuff out of my old apartment into the adobe rowhouse The Gryphon and I now share, I've been spending a lot of time at the old place, cleaning.

It's difficult to comprehend how long this can take until you're actually doing it: from baseboards to walls to windows, it's a taxing task. Here are a few photographs showing my progress.

Apartment, front room (Click to enlarge)

This photo from earlier this year
shows the apartment at its fullest.


Moving day (Click to enlarge)

On moving day, everything that had to go
was stacked in the front room.


Apartment with tapestries (Click to enlarge)

After we'd done the kitchen and bathroom,
the main living area and bedroom still needed a lot of work


Wall of Fame collage (Click to enlarge)

I documented each of my wall collages before taking them down.


Una in my empty apartment (Click to enlarge)

Everything done but the carpets (and the dog).

Moving to a new place is a workout.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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