an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 28, 2005 - The First Noel
Brother and nephew with truck (Click to enlarge)

My nephew shows my brother his new truck

Normally, we start Christmas morning bright and early, as soon as everybody can get up and get over to Mom's. This year was a little different, because this year Christmas fell on Sunday, and Mom had to go to a morning church service.

She had promised my brother that her dogs would be placed in a pen out back, because they're badly trained and can't be trusted around children. But the weather was threatening icy rain, which gave her second thoughts. There really wasn't any other choice, however, and her dogs went outside.

Everybody gathered at Mom's place after the service and got set up in the front room where her tree was. There were too many presents to fit under the tree, so they were in piles around the room.

My family has Christmas ritual where we start with the youngest and work our way up to the oldest. Each person opens one gift at a time, with everyone paying rapt attention to see their reaction. This was probably a better method back when we were children and there were only five Wilson total. But now, all three siblings have a significant other with us, as well as my brother's son. So it ended up being a really drawn-out affair.

Now, The Gryphon and I had tried to wrap presents together as much as possible. For example, we gave my nephew three books and wrapped them all together. We put most of the clothes we got him in one big Woolrich box. But not everybody did that. My dad gave him a set of wooden toys which could probably have been wrapped in a single box but instead were all wrapped separately.

Of course, my nephew had more gifts than anyone, so near the end, my brother and his wife each opened a gift for him every round. Halfway through the gift opening, my nephew's cough grew worse, and my brother and Dad drove to the drug store to get him some children's cough syrup, which seemed to help. I honestly don't think he knew what was happening.

I will say that there were some really interesting and thoughtful gifts. My mom knocked herself out this year sewing things. She sewed aprons for everybody except Dad, but I was the first to open mine. I didn't really understand why she was giving me one, since The Gryphon does most of the cooking and is always talking about it. But I gamely modeled it, anyway. Then, as more people opened their gifts, I realized that everyone got one.

Alyce in apron (Click to enlarge)


She also made a beautiful toy dog for my nephew, made out of a sock. And she sewed some cloth books for him from patterns.

Nephew with toy dog (Click to enlarge)

Reading the Christmas book (Click to enlarge)

I liked some of the quirkier gifts I got. My sister got me some fun socks. One pair says "Cheeky Monkey" and the other says "Strawberry Shortcake." Mom got me some flannel pajamas, which were a medium. Even though they're big up top, that's fine for pajamas. My sister got me a purple bathrobe. That's funny, because just last week I bought myself new pajamas and a bathrobe!

My family often likes to get everything the same thing, partly from a sense of fair play. Of course, once the first person opens it, everyone else knows what it will be. That was the way with the pajamas and with some picture frames Dad got us for displaying my sister's wedding pictures, when they arrive.

My brother and his wife headed off this problem by giving everyone the same things, putting them in a bag and numbering them. We were all supposed to start together on the same number and open each in turn. Of course, Mom kept forging ahead, and The Gryphon and I couldn't unwrap quickly enough to beat others. Still, the gifts were great: nine different kitchen implements we wouldn't have bought for ourselves, like an egg slicer.

Speaking of kitchen stuff, The Gryphon go the measuring bowls I'd suggested to Mom. We also got two sets of measuring spoons, which can replace the aluminum ones we've been using.

One of Mom's most thoughtful gifts to The Gryphon was a hat that looks a lot like the hat he left in a cab last winter. Unfortunately, it was too big, because I'd told her to get an extra large. She's going to return it and get the right size. He's told me he'll definitely wear the replacement when it arrives.

Mom got a bunch of stuff from a company called the Duluth Trading Company. My brother got a tuke, a warm hat with earflaps, and loved it.

My brother in his hat (Click to enlarge)


My sister's husband got a cool baseball cap.

Sister's husband in hat (Click to enlarge)

One of the biggest surprises was for me. I'd told Dad back in September that I wanted a sewing machine. I kind of expected it for my birthday, but he got me something else, so I was really expecting it for Christmas. And I was all excited, since I've been coming up with project ideas.

The day before Christmas, I asked Mom about it. "Do you know if Dad got me a sewing machine?"

"No, he didn't." I was disappointed but figured I'd like whatever he did get me.

So imagine my surprise when I opened a gift on Christmas morning, and it was indeed a sewing machine: from Mom! This was a big surprise, and I was delighted.

Even though it had only been a few weeks, I initially forgot one of my big gifts from Dad was a new cell phone, along with monthly service. He also got me a queen-sized down comforter and a duvet to put it in to protect it.

Mom had set up lunch fixings for us to eat as desired. There were sandwich makings, fruit, homemade bread, cookies and chocolate bars. We munched on that as we opened gifts. I managed once again to spill my coffee. I should know better than to bring it to Christmas morning. This time I only spilled it on my own sweater, and I used tips that everyone called at me to take care of it. I don't think it will even stain.

After the gift giving was over, those who were staying at Dad's gathered their gifts and put them in the car, then went home to his place. We hung out at Mom's, where The Gryphon helped Mom make some pies for dinner and I lay down to take a nap. We would be joining them for dinner at Dad's place.

Alyce wearing a Christmas gift (Click to enlarge)

More from Christmas 2005:

December 27, 2005 - Away in a Manger

December 29, 2005 - Home for the Holidays


Everyone loves homemade gifts, and hats.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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