an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 22, 2005 - Boxing Days

For the past couple weeks, I've been going through my stuff, throwing out things that are worthless or broken, setting aside items for a yard sale and boxing up items I want to keep, making daily runs to the new place to drop them off.

Some containers have been in storage in my basement since I first moved in four years ago. It was funny to discover some things I had to wonder why I'd kept, such as a tape recorder that, after I put batteries in it, didn't work anyway.

And there were a few items of clothing that just needed some repairs to make them suitable to donate, like an oversized jacket I used to wear in the 80's. Don't ask me why I kept it so long. Maybe I thought it would come back in style.

And of course, I ended up throwing out a lot of papers like old bills, receipts and such, some of which need shredding. But I'll have to get a new shredder first. I killed mine by shredding too much. To be fair, it did warn me that it could only shred five pieces of paper at a time. What a wimp.

My dog, Una, does not like this process. Or, to be more accurate, she only likes half of it. When I'm moving things around in my apartment, she follows me around with a big smile on her face, sniffing everything and licking them when she thinks I'm not looking.

She also occasionally tries on my clothing, but only for photos.

Una in a scarf (Click to enlarge)

When I'm loading up the car the next morning for another run to the new place, she whines and complains. Still, I figure I might as well make use of this time before our big moving day, since we also have The Gryphon's apartment to move, as well as all our combined furniture. Everything I can get out of the way earlier will only make things easier. And with every bit that's done, I feel better about what's left to do.

Because of this process I made some discoveries. For example, I discovered that the reason one of the containers in the basement was so heavy was because it contained a stack of record albums, records I had lost track of. Now that I know they still exist, in the new apartment I'll have them on a shelf for easy access.

I made another interesting discovery. There was a shirt that the Luser used to wear that I hadn't given away because of a cigarette burn on the pocket. I figured I could use it for scrap cloth. Out of curiosity, I looked at the size and it said 15 1/2 x 34. I figured the chest size was 34, and I slipped my arms into it. It fit! This was a huge surprise, because when I was involved with the Luser, I always thought of him as being very small. He might be a bit small for a guy, but not as small as I used to think. It's funny how perspective can warp things.

The weather can't decide what it wants to be. Last night I turned the heat back on, and this morning it's nippy even when I'm wearing my spring jacket. None of this bothers Una, who trots along every morning with a smile on her face, as if the weather is perfect.


If you can't remember why you kept something, it's time for it to go.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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