an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 15, 2004 - Bedroom Makeover

I mentioned last week that I Dumpster dived a small dresser for my bedroom. After an afternoon's worth of work, I now have some before and after pictures.

Bedroom before (Click to enlarge)

Bedroom after (Click to enlarge)

The hardest part of the task was moving my trunk down to the basement. The trunk is a steamer trunk I use for storing my off-season clothes. It's not so much heavy as it is bulky. In the process of moving it, I ended up with several dime-sized bruises on my leg, which are slowly fading.

I actually found room for everything and even left a drawer free for The Gryphon, who likes to keep some extra clothes at my place.

Yesterday, I went through my closet again and pulled out a bunch of stuff that is either too big on me or which I know I won't be wearing. After I get it all cleaned, and sewed if need be, I will donate them.

I still have a number of T-shirts that are too big. Some are quite nice, and others have sentimental value. So I spared them for now, and I'll see what I decide down the road.

Speaking of giving away clothes, when I visited my sister this past weekend, she gave me a pair of pants, size 12, that are starting to get too loose on her, since she's also losing weight. They did fit, although they're a little tight in spots. I wouldn't want to wear them for long periods of time. The pants are white, so I hope to fit them better before Labor Day. Otherwise, I'll have to hold onto them until the spring, and by then, they might be too loose.

I now have more empty hangers in my closet than I've ever had. Looks like I'll be hitting the thrift stores and end of summer sales to get myself some more clothes that fit. If you ask me, it's one of the best reasons to buy new clothes.


Getting organized can be fun when it clears the way for new clothes.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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