an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 24, 2004 - Back to Belly Dancing

Last night was the first night I went to belly dancing class since sometime last winter. The problem had been a scheduling conflict with my evening work schedule, which was recently resolved because that schedule has changed.

So now that it's possible, I decided to go back to the class. As an extra incentive, a friend got me a very nice new silver jangly hip belt for my birthday, which of course, I wore last night, along with the two so-called slave bracelets I bought last year at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. Of course, they were very loose around the wrist now, so I had to clip them in further.

I got a lot of compliments last night, mostly on the slave bracelets. One person even complimented my tan (mostly from dog walking, I'll admit). But I also got a compliment from someone who asked if I've been losing weight.

"Yes," I said, "about 55 pounds over the last several years." My weight loss has been so gradual that I guess it took being a way from me for awhile for people to notice.

I noticed changes amongst my classmates. A couple of them seemed to have gained weight, and in one case, quite a lot. A few of them had changed hairstyles, and one was wearing horn rim glasses, which I'd never seen her do before.

But other than these minor physical changes, the class was the same. I felt at home immediately. The instructor started out with the same warm up she always uses. But then she did something a bit different: a choreographed dance. First we did a drum solo they'd already learned. I kept up as best I could. And then we started learning a new dance.

I asked my fellow classmates if I'd missed another public performance in the spring, like they'd done the two previous years. They said no, they hadn't done that last spring. So at least I didn't miss out.

It feels good to be back. I was reminded what I always got out of that class, which was a great positive environment of women. Everyone was really friendly and happy to see me back. A couple women who have joined since I left introduced themselves and chatted with me.

I'm always inspired by the range of people who attend this belly dancing class -- different sizes, ages, ethnicities -- and how everybody shares a spirit of adventure, a positive, empowering experience.

My instructor, of course, is a big part of that. She's a sweet person, and it just shines out of her face. She didn't seem as thin as she used to, but I think it's because I was always comparing myself to her. And now that I'm closer to her size, she seems bigger.

Even though taking a break to go to the class meant I had to press a little harder to get things done last night, going back was the right thing to do.


Belly dancing is the best exercise.

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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