an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 9, 2009 - NaPoWriMo - Day 9

I am participating in National Poetry Writing Month, where the goal is to write one poem a day for 30 days. During the month of April, I will be using the writing prompts at and posting the results.

Day nine prompt (paradise)

Describe your version of paradise. Is it a physical location? a mental state? a religious concept? You can write today’s poem as an ode, if you like. An ode to paradise itself or an ode to whatever takes you there: a plane, a faith-based practice, a lover, a dessert. Imagine the joy of paradise! The elation!

You may also turn and run in the opposite direction: where is hell for you? What tortuous small town or big box store or reality television program sends you spiraling into despair? Take us there with you. Show us around.

Visions of Paradise

Trapped behind a garbage truck —
white bags, like broken conch shells.
Wafting back, a sour
sea breeze.

Morning rush hour —
a tide of traffic, rolling in.
The lapping of carbuerators
White caps of exhaust.

Suffering a spring cold —
my head stuffed with sand.
I am sunbaked. I'll tan from
the inside out, suck
on a cold
medicine pina colada.

Construction zone —
orange plastic sunset.
The soothing lull of drills.
Close your eyes.


My husband, The Gryphon, overslept this morning, and I drove him to work. On the way back, I dictated this into my digital voice recorder, based on things I saw along the road.

You make your own paradise.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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