an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 23, 2006 - Sky Has Fallen

Copyright 2006, Fox Broadcasting

Kevin Covais

There were few surprises about who showed up in the bottom three of American Idol this week: Lisa Tucker, Bucky Covington and Kevin Covais.

Musically, Ace Young probably deserved to be there rather than Lisa Tucker, but the truth is she hasn't built up much of a fan base and her days on the show are numbered.

It was a little surprising to see Kevin Covais be the one booted, since he seems to have a fan following. However, he made the fatal error of smarting off to Simon last week, and in the past, that's proven to be the kiss of death for AI contestants.

Or it could simply be that the wealth of good performances this week prompted voters to throw support behind more deserving singers.

Kevin handled the news with grace, thanking his fans and urging them to continue voting to choose a winner. Interestingly, his videotaped segment seemed to indicate he knew he wouldn't be making it all the way. He said that he just wanted people to remember "that nerdy kid" from season five who didn't go all the way but had some talent.

Now the question is, who will Kevin's fans support now? Given that most of them are teenyboppers, they'll probably flock to pretty boy Ace Young. Or they might back another young candidate, such as Paris Bennett.

The consensus of the blogs seems to be that Bucky Covington or Lisa Tucker will be the next one to go. It's also a common sentiment that, while he didn't deserve to stay in the competition, people liked Kevin's personality. I agree that he had a fun attitude and was entertaining to watch, and I wish him the best in the future.

More on American Idol:

Musings on American Idol Season 5 (2006)

Musings on American Idol Season 4 (2005)

Musings on American Idol Season 3 (2004)


Ultimately, talent wins out over personality.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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