an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 26, 2005 - Whoops! Our Bad

Copyright 2005, Fox Broadcasting

Thursday night, we didn't watch most of the results show for  American Idol but watched The Apprentice instead. We flipped over in the last few minutes to find out what happened.

Imagine my surprise when Nadia Turner was one of the bottom two. I don't feel she deserved to be there, but there she stood.

Now I wasn't surprised that it was Mikalah Gordon who went home. She's been cruising for a bruising for a long time. But Nadia's presence in the bottom two just goes to show that, except for those who have a strong fan base, anyone else is vulnerable.

Now, this was the recount show, to make up for the screwed up phone numbers on Tuesday night. Still, I don't think the ultimate result would have been different if the vote had been held Tuesday. Mikalah would still be going home. Nadia might have been hurt, though, by people taking a second look at her performance and deciding it was worse than it was when they first saw it.

It's definitely beginning to look like a guy will win this time. Some of the most talented women, two weeks in a row, have ended up in the bottom three. It looks like the only way for Nadia to stay in the competition is going to be to raise the level of her performances to such a point that she gets votes each week. Because apparently, the guys can get away with uneven performances but the girls can't.

I'm always interested in the demographic aspects of the show. While the appeal seems to be pretty widespread, stuff like this makes me think there must be a strong teenybopper vote, the same people who for weeks and weeks last year kept some guys in the competition who clearly did not deserve to be in it.

The Gryphon and I have started apartment hunting, and hopefully we'll have a couple places to look at this weekend. Some of the responses I've been getting have been odd. For example, one of the landlords I called, when I asked if pets are OK, said only if he could come see the place I'm living in now!

There are a couple reasons why that is a problem. One reason we need a bigger place is because the place I'm living now is too small for even just me, and it's cramped and overflowing with stuff. The other reason is that the previous tenant had a dog which scratched the bathroom and bedroom doors. I know a new landlord would never believe me about that. But third, a question like that is a warning sign. A landlord should already know the answer to that question, and this question sounds like that landlord would be difficult to deal with.

The other landlord I spoke to was friendly and laid back. He said yes to pets right away and was flexible about when we can see the place this weekend. We just have to call him and give him a time.

The third person I called wasn't sure about the idea of pets but said he'd have to talk to his partner and get back to me. He asked if a special deposit against that would be OK, and I said that was a possibility. He still hasn't called me back.

There's a few other places we can still check out, but I'm not sure how much we can look at in one day. I'm also going to call my existing landlord today and let them know I'm looking. It's possible that they have other apartments in the area for me to look at.

It's a big project, this moving thing, but at least I know The Gryphon will be helping me. Last time I moved, I looked at places entirely by myself.

Speaking of moving, today we'll be helping some friends move into their new house. They got married last year and this is their first house. I'm interested in seeing what their new place looks like and getting some additional exercise, while I'm at it.

More Musings on American Idol:

American Idol, Season Four

American Idol, Season Three


A second chance doesn't always change results.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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