an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 3, 2005 - Sour Grapes

Copyright 2005, Fox Broadcasting

Once again, there are few surprises about who was voted off on American Idol last night.

The girls were announced first. They were Celena Rae and Aloha Mischeaux. Celena did not surprise me, because her performances have been pretty unremarkable. Aloha was a little more of a surprise, especially for the judges, because her first week was so strong. But her performance this week was rocky, so I suppose people did not feel she deserved their vote.

This is a competition, and voters tend to vote for the performers who deserve their votes that week. There are some people that, out of loyalty, will vote for someone even when they have an off week. But performers who turn in weak performances can't expect miracles, as has been proven before.

The two guys leaving were Joseph Murena and David Brown. When asked why he was leaving, Joseph complained he hadn't had enough camera time. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Frankly, I don't think that was it. His performances weren't enough to get him noticed, and voters are looking for singers who can win. I don't think any more time on camera would have helped. Other performers, like Nikko Smith, have received virtually no camera time, and yet his strong performance this week guaranteed he would stay in the competition.

While the judges were disappointed to see David leave, they are probably basing their disappointment on earlier performances. For the two weeks of the competition, he has not matched some of the other singers in the competition.

It was a slight surprise that Constantine Maroulis stayed in the running, but I suppose people are still willing to give him a chance. Plus, as quirky as his performance was, the judges gave him fairly positive remarks, which can sometimes make the difference.

The weather this morning is so bitter cold it leaves no doubt this is winter. I remember last year at about this time how we had some very spring-like days. But March is unpredictable. Hopefully, this kind of weather at the beginning of the month will mean milder weather at the end.

Yesterday, I went to K-Mart to return a scale I bought at the end of last year. It was fairly accurate but hard to read. The markings for integrals of 10 were clearly marked, but the small markings for one-pound integrals were almost impossible to read.

When I took it to customer service, one of the employees insisted on weighing herself with it. She went around the corner and stepped on it. When she came back, she joked, "I agree. This scale is broken."

More Musings on American Idol:

American Idol, Season Four

American Idol, Season Three

Don't blame the cameraman for your lackluster performances.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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