an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

February 24, 2005 - Welcome to the Real World

There were no real surprises on American Idol last night. Four people left the show, two girls and two guys, all of whom had the least number of votes.

First to leave was Melinda Lira, and the first guy to leave was Jared Yates, both of which had given uneven performances that were warbling and flat. This was confirmed when each of them sang once more as their parting statement.

Then Sarah Mather was asked to leave. She might have a great voice, but it hadn't shown in the song she picked. The only one who was a bit of a surprise was Judd Harris, who had done a good rendition of the song he chose but basically sang what judge Simon Cowell called a "novelty song." Considering that this was America's first impression of him, it was a poor way to show off his talent.

I had some interesting dreams this morning. I know it was this morning because I'd gotten up to use the bathroom and then gone back to sleep. One dream was based on reality, that we're expecting snow. I dreamt we had a lot of it and that the upstairs neighbor had already shoveled.

The other dream was more complex. I was at a reunion, similar to the one I'd attended last fall for my high school's 15th year reunion. A couple of the people there were from my high school, but it wasn't clear whether it was a high school or college reunion. The dream took place at the end of the reunion, as we got ready to head home.

One of my classmates, who had been part of the popular group in high school, was talking to another classmate, who had just announced her engagement. The popular girl was asking her where her ring was, and the other girl said that they'd ordered a special ring and were expecting it soon. I felt like it was necessary to stick up for this classmate, saying that I'd known plenty of people who got engaged and didn't have rings.

We were all gathered to hear a professor type deliver a summary of what we had done the last several days. We didn't really pay attention, and I read a magazine instead. I read a magazine article about how somebody had fooled a bunch of celebrities by inviting them to event, giving them a $100 honorarium and telling them they were going to be commemorating a friend. Somehow, I doubt that would really work.

There wasn't much more to the dream, except that I was sad that we would be going home. I hugged a couple people good-bye, people who in real life are not close friends. I told them that I was saddened by how much the high school has changed, and how much Penn State has changed. It makes me feel old, I said.

Then I woke up. I suppose it's a pretty transparent dream about some of my feelings, but I don't know what brought on this nostalgia. I suppose there's a part of me that misses my old school, or at least the person I was back then, the hopes and expectations. Maybe I'm still not ready to face the "real world."

I found out something yesterday in some further coverage of Hunter S. Thompson's death. Turns out one of my suppositions was right, that he had health problems. He'd been in a lot of pain lately from a broken leg and a hip replacement. His family and friends believe this was probably something he'd planned for some time, not an act of desperation. They said he'd spent his last weekend sharing time with his family.

As they said, he just didn't want somebody else to decide how he was going to die. That sounds a lot like him. He always liked to do things his own way.

More Musings on American Idol:

American Idol, Season Four

American Idol, Season Three


First impressions matter on American Idol.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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