an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

May 12, 2005 - Adios, Anthony

Copyright 2005 Fox Broadcasting

At long last, America came to their senses, and Anthony Fedorov was booted from American Idol last night. He'd been surviving, I believe, primarily on his sunny personality; people wanted him to do well.

But his seemingly angry performance on Tuesday, I believe, cost him some votes.

I'd been hoping that Bo Bice was safe, and I figured he would be. When I tried to register my vote for him, I couldn't get through no matter how many times I tried. But I didn't know if Anthony's fan base would overpower Carrie and Vonzell, especially since both had somewhat off nights.

So the three singers who should be in the final three are in the final three, and now Bo, Vonzell and Carrie each get to take a trip home to their home towns before the next round of the competition.

Today is a little foreboding compared to yesterday. The wind is up and the skies are gray. But it's still supposed to get up to 70, so that's good, even if tomorrow it's going to be cooler. And Saturday, our big moving day, they're calling for isolated thunderstorms. I hope they're more isolated than storms.

Una is not as upset when I take boxes out of the house, partly because I've been doing it differently. I've been loading up boxes the night before and then taking them with me in the morning after our dog walk to unload them. She doesn't seem to mind me removing things from the house as long as I don't leave immediately afterwards.

I've got practically all of my stuff moved over now, except for my furniture and the things I'm using in the next couple of days. So we'll primarily concentrate on The Gryphon's place on Saturday. He's getting stressed, so I've been giving him lots of hugs to keep his spirits up. It's a big job, but it will be over soon.

When I got frustrated this morning over various issues having to do with the move, including the coming weather, I asked The Gryphon over instant messenger, "Why does my life suck?"

His response: "Gibbs Free Karma."

I pressed for an explanation, and he relayed this formula:

G = H - TS

G = Gibbs Free Karma
H = How wonderful everything is
T = How busy everything is
S = How sucky everything is

Then he explained further: "There's a constant amount of Karma in the universe, so when there are more wonderful things, there must be more sucky things. It's a bastardization of Gibbs Free Energy, which states that the amount of energy in the universe doesn't change. H is heat energy, T is temperature and S is entropy. It's the basis of the notion that everything tends to disorder and it takes energy/effort to make things less disordered."

"Thanks," I typed. "It makes me feel a lot better," and finished with a smiley sticking out its tongue.

But actually, the humorous formula did make me feel a little less like Marvin the Paranoid Android and a little more like me again.

More Musings on American Idol:

American Idol, Season Four

American Idol, Season Three


A sense of humor makes rough days easier.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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