an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 10, 2006 - Yard Sale for Pets

Sunday was another leisurely day for us. It started with The Gryphon making us pancakes.

Then we took a drive out to a yard sale being held by the Animal Coalition of Delaware County, the organization through which we adopted our kitty, Luke, last year.

We got there right at the tail end of the yard sale, and they were putting things away. They told us we could fill a box for $2.

We had trouble finding items we wanted. There were a lot of plates and kitchen things, but it didn't make sense to get items like this just as we are getting married and expecting wedding gifts.

I found a couple candles, some stationery and a shirt. They only charged us 50 cents.

Luke's foster mother was there, and we caught her up to date on how he's doing. We told her that he was well. She said they've had some hyper-allergenic food donated to ACDC and offered to give it to us, since they don't have any other kitties that need it. I told her to e-mail me and we could work out a time.

She's also e-mailed me a poster that features a picture of Luke as a kitten. They're using it for promotion for their October 21 Despuurate Housecats Event held at Back to Nature on Rte 352. It's an event looking for new homes for adult cats. In one of the posters, Luke is hanging out with his litter mates, Hans and Leah, in a carpeted tube. He's the white and orange guy sleeping in the foreground.

After the yard sale, we drove back and hung out at home. The Gryphon cooked a dinner of sauteed shrimp, asparagus and potatoes, while I sat at the table and looked up wedding related things on his laptop.

In the evening, The Gryphon had his gaming group and, since we didn't have improv class that week, I used the time to work on Wild Violet and do some personal stuff.

I was up last night late doing work, since they were short-staffed due to Columbus Day. I was reminded of one of the drawbacks of doing that: I can never really get enough sleep the following day. I try to sleep in, but between Luke having his morning freak-out, Una whining in her sleep, and a neighbor's dog howling sadly, I can't sleep past a certain time.

Not to mention that there are currently no blinds on the window right next to the bed. Luke was playing with them, and they broke off. We got new ones but haven't installed them yet. It's enough to drive you batty.


The universe prefers I sleep at night.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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