an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 13, 2005 - Twenty Things

I've been tagged with a meme in the Livejournal kept by The Editor.

The goal is to make a list of 20 random things about yourself, but since I already did a list once of 100 things about myself, I decided to come up with 20 things not on the previous list.

Because she tagged my Livejournal, Sim Life , which is where I chronicle the adventures of my Sims, I responded there, as well.

  1. I have an almost infallible internal alarm, which I can "set" and wake up within minutes of the determined time.

  2. My dog is currently 5 years old, which means that until her birthday at the end of October, she and I are the same age in dog years (35).

  3. So far in my life, I have lived with 11 cats and 5 dogs. This does not count other animals people in my family have owned or still own. The number of cats will soon increase to 12.

  4. Ironically enough, the day I received official written notice that my divorce to The Druid had gone through, it was Independence Day.

  5. I've taught college level Freshman English and Introduction to Poetry classes.

  6. I've also taught a poetry workshop at a Rainbow Gathering.

  7. Some people consider me a hippie; some just think I'm a silly person. They're both right.

  8. In college, I hosted a radio show we were going to call Full Frontal Radio until we thought better of it and changed the name to The Caverns of Your Mind.

  9. I'm a priestess for something called the Internet Oracle, a sort of online collective comedy project.

  10. I learned to ride a bike when I was 7.

  11. I learned to drive when I was 17.

  12. Once, I helped somebody clear bad spirits out of a house. However, they came back because we forgot to bless the basement door.

  13. When I was really young, my favorite color was gray.

  14. My favorite color changed to purple because of a purple candle my mom had that smelled like mulberries. I loved that candle and thus, purple, as well.

  15. I was born in New Jersey but have lived in Pennsylvania ever since I was an infant.

  16. The house where I grew up had an attic door that continually opened. We joked that it was haunted. I nicknamed the "ghost" Bruce after having a dream that the ghost of Bruce Lee was living in our attic.

  17. If I could talk to a famous person who is no longer living, I'd talk to Emily Dickinson.

  18. If I could talk to any living celebrity, I'd talk to David Bowie.

  19. I was born on Labor Day. The delivery room nurses would not stop joking about this.

  20. Things I've wanted to be when I grew up: teacher, architect, journalist, author, happy.

Coming up with 20 things about yourself is harder than it sounds.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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